hey love!

I'm Chelsea!

I'm the girl you see on Instagram showing the real parts of life, helping you love fitness and laughing with my cats while having a dance party. While you're here, read some of my info, check out my about page, and sign up for my email for a special treat.
Let's go!!!






I believe in...

Being healthy isn't a size, it's a feeling


Every woman deserves to feel beautiful

are why i love what i do


I have been working with Chelsea virtually and in person for over a year and she has helped me immensely not only with my fitness routine, strength and nutrition, but with my overall mental state and self-confidence as well. From day one, she has always taken a personalized approach to her coaching, ensuring that I always feel supported and encouraged whether it involves learning new exercises, setting and achieving specific goals, overcoming obstacles, or simply staying on track and accountable.

Chelsea will challenge you to dig deep and challenge your limiting beliefs about your relationship with your body and self. She is honest and vulnerable and can deliver tough love and be your cheerleader in the same breath.

I honestly can't tell you how proud of myself I am. I've been telling myself that I can't for so long now that even the idea of a workout was exhausting. Thank you so much for all of your encouragement.

So much love for Chelsea! I can honestly say she has been an inspiration to me. I still remember reaching out to her when I was frustrated and feeling discouraged in my first few months. She took the time to offer support and encouragement and has always been so kind, always putting her clients first. You are one of a kind, CB!

Thank you Chelsea for being one of the most impactful coaches I've ever had in my life. You truly believed in me and encouraged me to go all out all the time. I'll definitely carry all the things you've taught me as I continue in my fitness journey.

You have made one of the strongest impacts in my fitness journey. Thank you for helping me redefine what it means to be fit. I am so grateful to have you in my life as a coach and friend. Thank you for always pushing me beyond what I thought I could do.
You're the real MVP! 

RFS was an amazing experience. I was able to open up about topics I’ve never felt open about to complete strangers. It can sound insane but you truly don’t feel alone in RFS. Even in a small group, you find a connection & a support system in these women. Chelsea is amazing and uplifting to everyone in the group.

Redefining Female Strong is an amazing program. It has helped me look at food differently, love strength training, and it gave so much knowledge so I can be successful outside of this program. Chelsea is one of the most kind, motivating, and amazing humans in the universe. She was always there for me if I needed someone to talk to about my struggles or if I needed a kick in the butt to get moving. I have learned so much and will be carrying this program with me for the rest of my life. It is truly live changing.